Glasgow and South Western Railway Association
About the Association
The Glasgow and South Western Railway Association is a historical railway society founded for those interested in the Glasgow and South Western Railway, both as it exists today and historically in respect of those parts of the network that have closed.
The Association issues an historical magazine periodically, and a newsletter on a quarterly basis.
Benefits of Membership
Membership of a society that is dedicated to the Glasgow and South Western Railway and seeks to further its memory and understanding through its activities and publications
Monthly meeting programme. ‘Presentation style’ meetings organised on railway themes held between October to March
Magazine, 'Journal', issued annually
Newsletter issued quarterly
Access to archive
Modelling aspect
Meeting Venue
The Abbey Halls, Lawn Street, Paisley PA1 1HD
Email: steam_train_guy[at]yahoo[dot]
Membership Fee
How to Join:
Go to the Association’s website, and click ‘Membership Form’ (you can use this link: Print off the form and complete it. Together with the membership fee payment, post to ‘Mr S. Clinton, 5 Seabank Avenue, Largs, Ayrshire, KA30 8EW.’