Brighton Circle
About the Circle
The Brighton Circle is a historical railway society dedicated to the London, Brighton and South Coast Railway Company (LB&SCR) and its constituents. It covers all aspects of the LB&SCR's history collecting and publishing information on the company and its operations.
The Circle issues periodically an historical magazine and holds two full day open meetings for members each year.
Benefits of Membership
Membership of a society that is dedicated to the London, Brighton and South Coast Railway and seeks to further its memory and understanding through its activities and publications
Magazine, ‘The Brighton Circular’, issued three times per year
Newsletter, ‘The Satellite’, issued quarterly
Two full day open meetings per year
Online forum
Modelling aspect
Membership Fee
Full year: £23
How to Join:
Join by post or email.
Go to the Circle’s website, and click ‘Join the Brighton Circle' on opening page (you can use this link: Scroll down the page to ‘Membership Application’ click to open and print off form. Complete and sign the form and either:
(i) post it with cheque to the ‘Membership Secretary, Nicholas Pryor, 19 Sotheby Road, London N5 2UP, or
(ii) send a signed copy by email to the Membership Secretary at ‘’, who will then be in contact to arrange payment of membership fee.