West Midlands
Name: Rail and Bus for Herefordshire
Line Covered:Â All lines and routes in Herefordshire
Newsletter: 4 per year
Annual Subscription: £10 (receiving newsletters digitally), £15 (receiving newsletters by post)
Website: https://rbfh.org.uk
Contact: will@clarach.wyenet.co.uk
Name: Lichfield Rail Promotion Group
Line Covered:Â (i) Cross City services from Lichfield (Trent Valley and City stations) to Birmingham, (ii) West Coast Main Line services along the Trent Valley route
Meetings: Monthly
Newsletter: Typically 3 per year
Annual Subscription: £8 (standard), £10 (family)
Website: http://www.lichfieldrailusers.org.uk
Contact: secretary@lichfieldrailusers.org.uk
Name: North Staffs Rail Promotion Group
Line Covered:Â Services from Stoke, Stafford, Kidsgrove, Stone and intermediate stations
Newsletter: No, however regular news updates on website
Website: https://northstaffsrail.wordpress.com
Contact: austin_sandra@live.com or use contact box on website
Name: Rugby Rail Users’ Group
Line Covered:Â All services from Rugby station
Newsletter: No, however regular news updates on website
Annual Subscription: £5
Website: http://rugbyrailusersgroup.org.uk
Contact: secretary@rugbyrailusersgroup.org.uk or use contact box on website
Name: Shakespeare Line Promotion Group
Line Covered: Services between Stratford-upon-Avon and Birmingham/Leamington Spa
Annual Subscription: £5 (standard), £4 (senior), £75 (life)
Website: https://www.shakespeareline.com
Contact: Use contact box on website
Name: Stourbridge Line User Group (SLUG)
Line Covered:Â Services between Birmingham and Worcester via Stourbridge Junction, and the Stourbridge Town branch
Newsletter: No, however regular news updates on website
Annual Subscription: £3 (online), £5 (postal)
Website: http://www.stourbridgelineusergroup.info
Contact: Use contact box on website